Wow, it's been alost two months. What can I say - I've been busy. Ok, not that busy but busy enough. I found some time to volunteer at the Art of Carolinas with the Carolina Mixed Media Artist Guild (which I finally joined, in case I didn't already tell you). I was a very good girl and didn't spend tons of money. I've been packing up lots of clothing and household things to donate - which is making me very happy, no more clutter. I also had a fantastic Thanksgiving, the first great Thanksgiving that I've had in years. All the food turned out perfect and everyone actually stayed for more than just an hour or two. Also, my house is slowly but sure coming back together, enough that I don't mind if someone stops without calling first since the house is actually fairly organized. I've managed to finally reclaim my diningroom. I've been Miss Handyman too, changing the light fixture in the kitchen and the chandelier in the diningroom - all by myself. Shoot - who needs a man?? Not me...though sometimes I think it would be nice...
Since the diningroom no longer looks like it used to, I am not embarrassed to post a pic of the before, when the kids used it as a playroom. This is when the room was actually somewhat clean, if you can believe that:

And now the after:

My art stuff is back in the cabinet, all arranged in an "orderly fashion":

I'm thinking that I may have to find a different cabinet - this one is just not working for me. As you can see on the table, I have my journals laid out getting gessoed. I took a class with my buddy Ophelia this weekend and got motivated to begin creating an art journal. Here are some pages I did in the class:

I guess I'm finally getting back into the groove of life. Hopefully it will continue.
Glad to see you post and so great to see you this past Friday night. Maybe at the Guild's Christmas party, we can spend a few more minutes together.
I am impressed with your changing the light fixture. It can be difficult to just hold the things while trying to connect the wires! We just replaced six light fixtures (Six more to go!) and they were a pain as they had three way switches and the grounds were short and light fixtures are just not made as good as they used to be. Your new area looks great!
I love, love, LOVE it!!! You go, creative girl you!!!
Oh if there is one thing I like besides creativity it's order! and my hats' off to you! well will be inspired to go on and create some more fabulous journal pages now that you are organized!
I came by way of Ophelias left a comment I thought I'd pop on over and introduce myself!
You are welcome to stop by anytime and visit with me too...I'll put the coffee on......
ciao bella!
Creative Carmelina
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